
Welcome on board:
The Aviator- Revolutionising Crew Management System

The Aviator Management System is a groundbreaking platform designed for airlines, air operators, and flight schools. It revolutionizes how organizations manage critical documentation and information by centralizing it in one location. With the integration of Aviator Wallets, the AMS becomes an essential tool for keeping track of crew training and qualifications. It proactively alerts you when actions are needed and notifies you of impending updates to essential documents.

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One of the most user-friendly platforms available, it's intuitive, straightforward, and comfortable to use. It's designed to be clear and simple, without overwhelming users with information or presenting a steep learning curve.

Why The Aviator Management System?

We Deliver

The integration of the Aviator Management System with individual Aviator Wallets fosters a unique relationship between aviators and their companies, unmatched by any other platform.

Efficient channels for instructors, examiners and companies to relay progress insights and instant feedback

Monitor pilot training, qualifications, and progression

Centralised documentation with timely expiry notifications

A first in the industry, facilitating hassle-free pilot transitions between airlines and between aviation operators.

Unlike generic platforms, AMS can be adjusted to specific airline requirements. Tailor AMS according to individual airlines needs

A first in the industry, facilitating hassle-free pilot transitions between airlines and between aviation operators.

Unparalleled scalability, ready for both current and future aviation demands.

At The Aviator, we are committed to constantly updating and enhancing our platforms. We value suggestions and maintain flexibility to adapt and improve.

The AMS - Dashboard

A Comprehensive Overview of Your Aviators

The AMS Dashboard provides a swift, detailed overview of your air crew, including their identities, fleet affiliations, bases, and positions. It features a board highlighting key expiration dates for crew qualifications, displayed in a traffic light color scheme for easy comprehension. Additionally, a 'Planned' list helps companies organize and view upcoming dates. All lists are downloadable as smart PDF files for convenient access and documentation.

The AMS - Dashboard

Sort By Fleet

Organise Your Air Crew by Their Respective Fleets

The AMS efficiently assists in organising your crew members and personnel. You can create categories for different fleets and assign crew according to their positions. The AMS Fleet page offers a user-friendly sorting system, enabling companies and airlines to easily categorize their staff in a straightforward, hassle-free manner.

Sort By Fleet

Ultimate Crew Management

All In One Place

The AMS offers unparalleled freedom for companies and airlines to manage their crew through the interconnected Aviator Management System and Aviator Wallet. It centralizes all necessary information, storage, and documentation about crew members within the AMS system. This eliminates the need for endless searching through email folders or constant inquiries about documentation and activities. Everything you need is consolidated in one location, accessible with just a couple of clicks.

Ultimate Crew Management

The AMS Feedback System

Feedback Flow Like Never before

The AMS provides a remarkably straightforward feedback system for all training and qualification processes, fostering direct communication between air operators, their aviators, and instructors/examiners. It allows for the easy uploading of relevant documentation alongside feedback. Once the trainee has reviewed the feedback, they can acknowledge receipt and understanding by ticking the 'read box,' ensuring all parties are informed. Soon, an instant grading system will also be integrated into this feedback mechanism. Designed for simplicity, the AMS feedback system can be effortlessly utilised by any instructor or examiner, making the process efficient and hassle-free.

The AMS Feedback System


Our Answers

Yes, we include initial onboarding and setup to ensure you get started swiftly. Our team is always available to provide assistance whenever you need it.

The AMS is designed to handle an unlimited number of users. We can scale the platform to meet your growing needs, offering limitless possibilities for expansion.

No, the AMS is versatile and can accommodate not only pilots but also cabin crew, flight engineers, ATC personnel, ground staff, and more.

Yes, AMS includes a contract section where you can upload and manage contracts, and it also sends notifications when it's time for contract renewals.

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